1:1 Coaching {6 - Month Program}
1:1 Health Coaching is to help you reach your health and wellness goals.
My training allows me to help you with autoimmune diseases, weight maintenance, mood swings, acne, fatigue, indigestion, low libido, sleeping better, boosting energy, stress and anxiety, emotional eating, irregular cycles, and fertility concerns.
As your Health Coach, I take a holistic approach to health, not just focusing on food but also on all the other areas of life that can support and nourish your overall health, such as career, spirituality (God), relationships, and environment.
Coaching sessions are personalized to your specific needs.
When we work together, you will be able to do the following:
50 minutes Bi-weekly 1:1 Virtual Coaching Session
Unlimited Email access to me to answer any questions you may have
Learn how to change your mindset when it comes to food
How to manage emotional eating and snacking throughout the day
Learn how to choose foods that help with stress and anxiety and boost your energy
Learn what workout exercises you should be doing for only 30 mins a day
Learn how to cook healthy foods for you and your family
Learn how to use technology to help you on your health journey
Create balance with your career, spirituality (God), relationships, and environment.
Bonus: Virtual Grocery Store Tour & Pantry Clean Out Session
When we are done working together, you will be able to:
After we finish working together, you will be well equipped to use nutrition to help with your stress and anxiety.
You will have the confidence to go to the grocery store and know which foods are healthy for your body.
You will learn how to use nutrition to manage your stress and anxiety
You will be able to have balance in your life with your career, spirituality (God), relationships, and your environment without feeling all over the place.
You will have more control over your eating habits without having your emotions control what you eat daily.
You will be able to cook meals that are healthy for you and your family
You will have a workout plan that fits within your busy schedule
Investment: $150 per session
*With a six-month commitment